Forge Yard Osteopaths
What treatments we do
Structural Osteopaths treat the whole person, not just the condition. It is one of the oldest approaches to the treatment of injuries in the joints, muscles, ligaments, tendons and fascia.
Osteopathy can help with all musculoskeletal disorders, back, neck, pelvis, hips, knees, shoulder pain, sports injuries, headaches, work related pain, whiplash, traumatic injuries, post surgical rehabilitation, as well as things like digestive problems, breathing problems etc. The Osteopath will take a thorough medical case history after which he/she will conduct a physical examination, which may involve clinical tests. This will help him/her to establish the cause of the symptoms/dysfunction.
Osteopathic treatment aims to restore mobility, improve or restore function in restricted joints and the surrounding soft tissues to reduce spasm. A wide variety of specialised techniques are used including osteopathic soft tissue massage, articulation and specific joint manipulation.
Cranial Is a refined and subtle type of osteopathic treatment that is very gentle but very powerful. Treatment encourages the release of stresses and tensions throughout the body, including the head.
The birth of a baby can be one of the most stressful events of our lives, as well as one of the most magical. The baby is subjected to enormous forces as the uterus pushes it through the birth canal. The baby’s head has the remarkable ability to absorb these stresses in a normal delivery. However particularly with a difficult birth, the baby may have some very uncomfortable stresses within its head and body.
0-24 months: Osteopathy can help to support and encourage good functioning digestive system, encourage reduction of inter uterine moulding and help to support a baby’s immune systems whilst he/she undergoes a vaccination program.
2-7 years old: This period is all about independence and movement. The child now realises mum is separate and embarks on a journey of self discovery and growth which can be challenging emotionally and physically. Osteopathy can help with all the physical insults and falls which can cause strain patterns.
8-16 years old: This time is again about supporting the child through huge growth spurts and hormonal releases. As holistic practitioners, Osteopaths will always take into consideration the pressure of a school environment and how sometimes emotional problems can manifest themselves in physical ways. Headaches, stomach aches etc can cause the child to be distracted/frustrated and be wrongly labelled as behaving badly.
Medical Acupuncture/Dry Needling
Medical acupuncture or dry needling can be used to help relax specific muscles for long term muscle pain or acute muscle spasm. In this style of acupuncture the needle is inserted into the affected muscle until the tissue relaxes and can often produce an effect quickly. Acupuncture can reduce pain by stimulating the brain and spinal cord to produce natural pain-relieving chemicals such as endorphins, melatonin (which promotes sleep) and serotonin (to promote well-being), to name but a few. These chemicals assist the body's healing processes and offer pain relief.
I have been treated by a number of Osteopaths before I met Paul and feel that Paul’s approach truly treats the body as a whole and I find that his treatments are highly effective.
Christine Guerrier, Osteopath.
Atlanta’s infinite knowledge and incredible intuition mean that I have often walked into a treatment with her in considerable pain and left feeling, not just better, but amazing. She is quite simply one of the best osteopaths I’ve ever been treated by.
Clare Bennet, Writer
In my opinion Paul is one of the best osteopaths I have ever come across in all my years of working within the holistic and dance fields.
Roulla Violaris, Area Manager Space Organisation, practice manager at Natureworks clinic for 8 years.
I came to see Atlanta having suffered years of lower back pain. She listened with patience, explained clearly what she thought was going on with my body, treated me skilfully and gave me advice that I understood. She has eased my pain considerably and I highly recommend her.
Anika Hamilton, Editor.